COVID-19 Clinical Research Coordination Initiative Newsletter – April Update

News and Announcements:

UBC Spin-off Company Contributes to Leading Vaccine Technology 
The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine is able to enter human cells thanks to advancements in lipid nanoparticle technology from Acuitas Therapeutics, a UBC spin-off company co-founded by Dr. Pieter Cullis. For more information, please watch the press release and visit

UBC COVID-19 Research Projects Receive National Funding
Thirteen UBC researchers, including Dr. Teresa Tsang, were awarded a combined total of $939,626 for ongoing projects through the SARS-CoV-2 variants supplement, as part of a $14.3 million investment from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. For more details, please visit

Changes to the BC Clinical Research Rapid Response Ethical Review Process for COVID-19
Given the length of the public emergency, the previously instated rapid response ethical review for COVID-19 clincal research will only apply to studies that have the potential to immediately impact the course of the pandemic and/or the lives of COVID-19 patients. Research Ethics BC continues to support researchers and study sponsors with research ethics applications for multi-jurisdictional harmonized ethical review. For more details, please visit

Research Updates:

Unveiling Genome Canada’s National Portal for Tracking Real Time COVID-19 Data 
The Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal is now live, tracking the evolving COVID-19 pandemic across Canada. The portal is a much-anticipated pillar in the national data infrastructure, serving as a single platform for comprehensive, standardized viral genomics data, which allows experts to interact and collaborate with individuals who generate the data. For more information, please visit

Integrating Research Into Clinical Practice: Challenges and Solutions for Canada
New research examines the limitations of the existing clinical research infrastructure in Canada, describes the mechanisms of rapid clinical research production and knowledge dissemination in the UK health system, and provides a roadmap to a Canadian version of the UK system. For more details, please read the full article.

Image credit: Pexels

One Minute COVID-19 Breath Screening Test in Early Research Stages
Dr. Renelle Myers is leading a team of researchers at BC Cancer that are developing and piloting a breath-based test for COVID-19. This test does not require a lab to process and could return results within a few minutes. For more information, please visit BC Cancer Foundation.

Report Shows COVID-19 Raises Risk of Pregnancy Complications
Interim reports from the Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal and Infant Outcomes (CANCOVID-Preg) team led by Dr. Deborah Money suggest pregnant women may have a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. For more information, please visit

Resources for Investigators:

COVID-19 Impacts: Addressing Mental Health Issues in Adults
In this free online accredited educational session, highly experienced and knowledgeable specialists and family physicians will share their expertise relating to assessment of mental health impacts, resources to support patient care, and recommended best practices for responding to adults with mental health issues during the pandemic.
Date: May 11, 2021, 6:30 PM PDT
Registration: (link)

Image credit: Pexels

Genome BC’s Annual Genomics Forum 2021
This three day program brings together engaging speakers with unique experiences and backgrounds to discuss the challenges and lessons emerging from the important role that genomics has played in the battle against COVID-19. This year’s virtual event is open to the public, as well as teachers and students.
May 4, 2021, 8:00 AM – 1:30 PM PDT
May 5, 2021, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM PDT
May 6, 2021, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM PDT

Registration: (link)